Our Parent-Child Programs
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Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
PCIT is a program for children between age 1 and 6 years who have significant problems with their behaviour at home or at school. Parents and children attend for 1-hour weekly for approximately 17 weeks.
PCIT involves direct coaching by a therapist as parents and children play together. This coaching guides parents in the direct practice of positive parenting techniques. Through this direct practice, therapist and parent work together to enhance the quality of the parent-child relationship, which results in a reduction in children’s tantrums and aggressive behaviours. PCIT is designed for biological parents, foster and kin caregivers, and adoptive caregivers.
Download Information about PC-CARE
PC-CARE is a 6- to 8-session program for families that are interested in improving caregiver-child relationships and are willing to learn new child behaviour management strategies. In PC-CARE we work with families with children ages 1 to 10 years. PC-CARE is designed for biological parents, foster and kin caregivers, and adoptive caregivers.
Circle of Security
Download Information about COS
COS is an 8-week program for caregivers of children age 6 or younger. COS is conducted individually with parents/carers to assist in developing a positive, loving and satisfying relationship with their child.
COS is a unique relationship-based parent education program that teaches caregivers how to foster a secure relationship with their children. COS teaches the core ideas of attachment theory, with the aim of boosting the parent-child attachment relationship by assisting the caregiver to understand their children’s needs and behaviours. FIP is currently offering COS to families who are connected with the Queensland Department of Child Safety only.
For other COS providers, see below:
Benevolent Society call 1800 236 762
Supporting Youth Needs
Download Information about SYN*APPS
SYN*APPS is a 10-week program for children aged 7 to 14 years who have excessive anger and explosive behaviours. Parents or caregivers can also participate, but it is not required. During SYN*APPS, psychologists help youth to manage their emotions and practice better problem solving skills. FIP is currently offering SYN*APPS to families who are connected with the Queensland Department of Child Safety only. Caregivers not connected to Child Safety can contact the Griffith University Psychology Clinic for a similar program (ROAR).